When was the last time you did something perfectly the first time? It doesn’t happen often because most things in life require trial and error. When it comes to retirement, you have only one chance to get it right.
Many people approach retirement from a purely financial perspective; they don’t consider how they want to spend their days (and their money) or what a standard week will look like. At Carver Financial, we believe investments are only a means to suit your lifestyle. We help you plan your perfect vision of retirement.
Plan Your Retirement Better than You Plan a Vacation
At least one in five people spend more time planning their vacations than they do their retirement. We encourage you to make retirement planning a priority because it’s something you do only once. Although you can always plan another vacation, you get just one chance to have a comfortable retirement.
It takes careful planning to determine when and where you want to go once you retire, the activities you want to do and how much to budget. Because you don’t get a second chance to get it right, it can seem daunting and complicated without a guide.
According to The Wall Street Journal, roughly 15 percent of retirees find it hard to adapt to their new way of life. Experts say planning ahead may be the solution. My team and I couldn’t agree more.
Our experts often serve as life advisors, not just financial advisors. Using our Proprietary Personal Vision Planning® process, we help you achieve your perfect vision of retirement with meticulous planning so you can enjoy your time to the fullest.
There’s More to Retirement than Finances — Let’s Fulfill Your Vision, Together
Our goal is to set you up for retirement success, whatever that looks like. Many financial advisors take an investment-centric approach to retirement. They evaluate your portfolio, your spending habits and more to determine what your retirement can look like. We take a different approach.
We say all the time, “There’s more to retirement than finances.” We want to understand your vision for retirement — what you want to do and how you’ll spend your time — and then develop a personal plan with you for achieving it. We spend time with you to discern your goals and how we will meet them financially, which is an investment that pays off.
No matter your retirement goals, we’re here to support you, whether you are a Carver Financial client or not. My book, Ultimate Vacation: The Definitive Guide to Living Well Today and Retiring Well Tomorrow, is a planning tool that helps you make big retirement-planning decisions with small steps. You can use this road map on your own or with a trusted advisor on our team.
For more information about our process and team, visit www.carverfinancialervices.com, call our office at 440-974-0808 or contact me personally at randy.carver@raymondjames.com. As always, your vision is our priority.
Upcoming Retirement Event
If you are thinking about retiring in the next two years, you may want to attend a live event we are hosting on November 1st at 7:00 pm at The Everly in Mentor Ohio, discussing the key information to ace retirement. There is neither a cost nor any obligation to attend – however – reservations are required due to limited space. Visit our website for details and to register.
The more you know about retirement planning in advance, the more likely you are to get it right— on your first and only chance!
Randy Carver, CRPC®, CDFA®, is the president and founder of Carver Financial Services, Inc., and is also a registered principal with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Randy has more than 32 years of experience in the financial services business. Carver Financial Services, Inc. was established in 1990 and is one of the largest independent financial services offices in the country, managing $2.2 billion in assets for clients globally, as of December 2021. Randy and his team work with individuals who are in financial transition as a result of divorce, retirement or the sale of a business. You may reach Randy at randy.carver@raymondjames.com.
The information contained in this post does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets or developments referred to in this material. The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. Any information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of Randy Carver and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. Expressions of opinion are as of this date and are subject to change without notice.