We are finding over the last few months that an increased number of emails have been going to Junk folders, as screening algorithms have become more sensitive. We are committed to providing you with timely and appropriate responses to emails and phone calls.
Our office has a policy of responding to all client emails within 24 hours. If someone is out of the office, you will receive an out-of-office reply immediately. If you do not see a reply, it is likely that it went to your spam or junk folder.
If you do not see a reply to your email within 24 hours or an immediate out-of-office message, please check your Spam/Junk folder and/or phone our office.
To prevent emails from our office from inadvertently going to your junk folder, you will want to consider making all emails from “@raymondjames.com” part of your safe sender list. You can see a brief tutorial on preventing email from going to junk by clicking here.
We are committed to providing the highest level of service, including a timely (24 hour) response to emails and calls. Please phone our office with any questions on your email or if we can otherwise be of service. We appreciate your communication and look forward to connecting with you.